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Головна » Файли » Автореферати дисертацій » PhD

[ Викачати з сервера (888.3 Kb) ] 14.12.2010, 15:51
 Автореферат до дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.23.16 – гідравліка та інженерна гідрологія

Вдосконалення методів розрахунку максимальних витрат на основі параметрів руслового процесу (на прикладі річок Українських Карпат). 

Корбутяк В.М.

У роботі показана  можливість використання вимірників руслового процесу для визначення максимальних зливових витрат. Зокрема, запропоновано формулу для визначення швидкості добігання розрахункової витрати на основі параметру типу русла. Встановлено зв’язок крупності наносів із середньозваженою висотою водозбору для Карпатського регіону. Обгрунтовано можливість використання значень руслоформуючих витрат для визначення розрахункових максимальних витрат. На основі обробки даних натурних спостережень отримано формули для  визначення руслоформуючих витрат залежно від параметрів крупних руслових утворень для різних типів руслового процесу. На основі багаторічних натурних спостережень виконано оцінку розвитку незворотних руслових деформацій під впливом кар’єрних розробок річкових наносів. Запропоновано залежності для типізації русел на основі гідравлічних характеристик, які можуть бути використані для передбачення можливих змін типу руслового процесу ділянок Карпатських річок під впливом гідротехнічного будівництва.

Ключові слова: максимальні витрати, швидкість добігання, середньозважений діаметр наносів, руслоформуючі витрати, мезоформи, руслові деформації.

Korbutyak V.M. Improvement of calculation methods of maximum runoff determination by parameters of fluviomorphological process

The dissertation is dedicated to theoretical generalization and new methods of solving of scientific task of determination of calculation maximum cloud-burst water discharge values under missing or insufficiency of hydrometric observational data for river of Ukrainian Carpathians. Designing, construction and maintenance of flood-control and coast-protecting structures, heavy using of the Ukrainian Carpathians water resources and its preservation require corresponding scientific ground. Experience of structures operation on Carpathians rivers point to low efficiency and short life span of many types of structures, that is explained by failure to take account of features of riverbed deformations development at flood-control and coast-protecting works (incorrect composition without forecasting of deformations development), riverbed deformations caused by quarrying of river sediments from flood-lands and riverbeds.

At the present day evolution of fluviomorphological process theory gives new point of view on phenomena, that takes place in water flow. It opens up possibilities for determining hydrologic parameters by studying of main energetic, morphological and physiographical factors, that effect on forming of different riverbed types. Developing of regional methods of hydrologic characteristics determination is especially actual with relation to complexity of realization of hydrometric observations during high water period on mountain rivers.

The necessity of further inquiry of distinguished problems is caused by variety of natural factors, that determine structural and dynamic peculiarities of mountain rivers. These factors not adequately explored at present day.

The object of our investigations is the process of forming of maximum runoff and riverbed deformations on the rivers of Ukrainian Carpathians. The subject of our investigations are methods of calculation of maximum water discharges in case of missing or insufficiency of hydrometric observational data; fluviomorphological process of Ukrainian Carpathian rivers and their riverbed formative water discharges. The main methods of our investigations – in-situ observation of riverbed deformations, analysis of hydrometric observational data, analysis of cartographic sources, using of present-day methods of data processing (mathematical methods, geoinformation technologies). Analysis of obtained data was executed with using of results of in-situ measurements, theoretical and laboratorial investigations of other authors. Scientific newness lies in using of in-situ measurements data of riverbed formations for determining maximum water discharges. In particular, formula for determination of lag velocity by parameter of riverbed type is offered. Relation of weighted average value of riverbeds sediment diameter with weighted average value of drainage area altitude for Carpathians region was obtained. Possibility of using of bed-formation discharges for distinguishing of calculated values of maximum downpour water discharges is supported. Formulas for determining of value of bed-formation water discharge by riverbed forms linear parameters have being received. Relations based on hydraulic characteristics for typification of riverbeds, which can be used for forecasting of possible riverbed deformations on Carpathians Rivers, are offered. Estimation of evolution of riverbed deformation under the influence of quarrying alluvial sediment is accomplished, based on data of long-term observations. Basic conclusions by results of fulfilled researches come to next.

Data of hydrometric observations on mounting and submounting sections of rivers are not enough for engineering-hydrological support of hydraulic construction. Hydrometric station damaging by high water, changes of riverbed capacity under influence of quarrying out of alluvial sediment causing deranging of representativeness of observational series. Therefore studying of parameters of riverbed forms, created under influence of floods is useful for subsequent determination of values of maximum water discharges.

Weighted average value of riverbed sediment diameter is one of the main parameters, that characterizes channels conditions of floods passing.  Peculiarities of bedload transport regime and water runoff effect on determining conditions of high water discharges forming. Quarrying of river sediment directly effects on regime of rivers. It is discovered that developing of channel deformations, caused by sediment excavation, keep on in the form of residual deformation. Energetic characteristics, that determine kinematic structure of stream, used as criteria of shaping of structural riverbed forms, allowed to separate channels by their types definitely. That can be used for foreseeing of possible changes of general scheme of riverbed deformations under hydraulic constructions and quarrying of river sediment influence.

Lag velocity of flood surge is one of the main parameters of genetic formulas for determining of maximum water discharges. Calculations of maximum runoff with taking into account of fluviomorphological process allowed to increase an accuracy of determination of values of maximum water discharges in the whole.

Exposed regularities of forming of Carpathian rivers bottom topography, obtained criterion of functional dependences of riverbed types, specified parameters of formula of maximum water discharge and calculation of bedload sediment transport in structured form create reliable ground for quantitative assessment of maximum water discharges and riverbed deformations for all tasks of design and operation of water-management systems on the Ukrainian Carpathian rivers. That allows to raise reliability of hydraulic structures in the whole.

Key words: high flow, lag velocity, weighted average value of riverbed sediment diameter, bed-formation water discharge, riverbed forms, channel deformations.

Категорія: PhD | Додав: lagao
Переглядів: 971 | Завантажень: 423 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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